a historic church rooted in the Episcopal tradition, shares the love of Christ, putting faith into action through worship, prayer and outreach in the downtown community and beyond.
We invite you to join us for Mass IN PERSON and live on Facebook every
Sunday morning at 7:30am and 10:30am
Click here to watch the Sunday Mass live on our Facebook page
Episcopal Church joins religious freedom lawsuit challenging ICE enforcement actions in churches
February 11, 2025
Office of Public Affairs
The Episcopal Church is among dozens of multifaith plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging the U.S. government’s recent rescission of guidelines that limited immigration enforcement in sensitive areas such as churches, schools, and hospitals. The suit was filed this morning in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia by Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection.
Faith groups joining this lawsuit claim that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actions in and around places of worship without a judicial warrant burden religious exercise in violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The complaint, filed against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, argues that these enforcement actions interfere with the plaintiffs’ ability to fulfill the religious mandate to welcome and serve immigrants.
Organist/Choir Director Opening
We are seeking a talented Organist / Choir Director familiar with the Anglican choral tradition, the Episcopal liturgical tradition, and the church calendar. The successful candidate will be competent in choral music, including: plainsong, Anglican and Gregorian chant, as well as leading a choir. The Organist/Choir Director will work collaboratively with the Rector to grow and enhance the music ministry of St. Matthew’s
Here at St. Matthew’s, we have a fully restored 1924 E.M. Skinner Organ, installed in 1925 under the supervision of Mr. Skinner himself. We also have a grand piano, a single SATB voice choir, and a variety of other talented musicians within the congregation.
This position will be part-time, with an average of five hours per week (including a weekly Sunday morning sung Mass, and occasional seasonal Masses or services), a monthly practice time with the choir and Sunday morning choir warm-ups, and a regular worship planning meeting with the Rector. Weddings and funerals are handled and paid separately. Benefits include 4 weeks of paid time off.
For consideration for this wonderful opportunity, please email your resume and cover letter to [email protected] or mail a hard copy to:
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Attn: Music Search Committee
5900 7th Ave.
Kenosha, WI 53140
This position posting will be active until the position is filled.
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church of Kenosha is an equal-opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its hiring practices. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, faith tradition, color, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability.
Stations of the Cross
Join us at Noon every Friday during Lent for the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross is a simple, yet powerful, way to prayerfully walk alongside Jesus.
Volunteers are needed to lead the Stations of the Cross.
Please use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church to volunteer.
If you are unable to attend and would like to pray the Way of the Cross at home, please request a Stations of the Cross bulletin to be mailed to you.
Fridays @ 12:00pm (Noon) in the church
Lenten Soup Supper & Spiritual Formation
Join us on Wednesday evenings, during Lent for Spiritual Formation. Our time together begins with Evening Prayer at 6:30pm, followed by a Soup Supper and Spiritual Reflection in the Upper Guild Hall. As usual, Fr. Dave will make the soup for the first week.
We will be reading Lent in Plain Sight: A Devotion through Ten Objects this year.
Copies available in the office for $10
A sign-up sheet for making soup for the remaining weeks is available in the church.
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in Guild Hall
St. Benedict’s Circle
Are you interested in being part of the parish’s new homelessness and hunger task force? Are you interested in learning how you can help the homeless and poor in your community?
If so, please consider joining us for the St. Benedict’s Circle kick-off meeting. Due to scheduling issues, we’re taking a poll to see the best date/time to hold our first meeting.
Bible Study Resumes After Lent
We are taking a short break from Bible Study during Lent, and will resume on April 23rd. Please consider joining us for Lenten Soup Supper & Spiritual Formation during Lent.
We continue our exploration of the Apocalypse of John, also known as the Revelation to John. We will be using the commentary: The Book of Revelation (Collegeville Bible Commentary – New Testament Series No 11) by the pre-eminent New Testament scholar Pheme Perkins. Copies of the book are available for $10 in the parish office or you can pick one up an any Bible Study meeting.
Reading/Homework for the Week of April 23rd – Please read Revelation chapters 16-17 before class. I encourage you to make notes and write down questions that the reading provokes. Please also read Pheme Perkins’ commentary paragraphs.
Sunday School
Parents, let’s have a conversation!
We’re looking to restart Sunday School services, but we need your input! Please take a moment to complete the survey, or contact the office with the days and times that work best for you to meet with Fr Dave to talk about Sunday School.
Shining Our Light: 2025 Pledge
As Christians, our call to shine our light through active stewardship is a reflection of our commitment to serving God and others. By giving our time, utilizing our talents, practicing financial generosity, and engaging with our community, we embody the values of stewardship and contribute to the flourishing of both our church and our community.
One of the key aspects of active stewardship is the giving of our time. Volunteering in various church ministries and community outreach programs is a tangible way to demonstrate our commitment to being good stewards. Whether it’s serving during worship services, assisting with Christian education, or visiting the elderly in nursing homes, our time and presence can make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Active stewardship also extends beyond the walls of our church and into our community. Engaging with local organizations, participating in outreach programs, and advocating for social justice issues are all ways in which we can shine our light in the world. By being actively involved in initiatives that seek to address the needs of the marginalized and vulnerable, we embody the spirit of stewardship, demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ to those around us, and experience personal growth and fulfillment.
Financial stewardship is a vital component of Shining Our Light. Generosity in giving allows us to support the various ministries of our church and contribute to initiatives that benefit our community. It’s important to remember that financial stewardship is not solely about the amount we give, but the spirit in which we give. Whether we have much or little, a heart that is open to giving reflects a deep understanding of the blessings we have received and a desire to share those blessings with others.
Let us continue to be diligent and faithful stewards, knowing that our efforts, no matter how small they may seem, can have a profound impact on the world around us.
Download Pledge Form
Please return your 2025 pledge to the parish office by mail, email, or in person. You can also place it in the basket during Sunday offertory, or call the office and make your pledge over the phone or by email. If you donate online, please complete and return your pledge packet so your donation can be included in our annual budget.
Offering Booklets are now available to pick up in the back of the church.
Contact the office if you need your booklet mailed to you.
Keep up-to-date with important news from St Matthew’s Episcopal Church
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Lenten Soup Supper & Formation, March 26th @ 6:30pm
Join us on Wednesday evenings in Lent for Spiritual Formation.
Our time together begins with Evening Prayer at 6:30pm, followed by a Soup Supper
and Spiritual Reflection in Guild Hall.
We will be reading Lent in Plain Sight: A Devotion through Ten Objects this year.
Copies available in the office for $10
Fr. Dave will make the soup for the first week, but volunteers are needed for the remaining weeks. Please use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church to volunteer.
Bible Study, Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Lower Hall (Guild Hall), 5900 7th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140
Reading/Homework for the Week of April 23rd – Please read Revelation chapter 17-18 before class. I encourage you to make notes and write down questions that the reading provokes. Please also read Pheme Perkins’ commentary paragraphs If you need copies of the handouts or slides, please contact Fr. Dave.
Sunday Worship @ 7:30am
Traditional Sunday service with Holy Eucharist and sermon.
Sunday Worship @ 10:30am
Traditional Sunday service with Holy Eucharist, music, and sermon.
Coffee Hour, Sundays @ 10:30am (after service)
Join us Sundays after 10:30am service for informal spiritual discussion or to simply socialize with friends! We ask for volunteers to help make sure that cookies and coffee are available. Interested in hosting coffee hour? Use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church to volunteer your time and the date(s) available.
Stations of the Cross, Friday March 21st @ 12:00pm (Noon)
Join us at Noon every Friday during Lent for the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross is a simple, yet powerful, way to prayerfully walk alongside Jesus. Volunteers are needed to lead the Stations of the Cross; please use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church to volunteer. If you are unable to attend and would like to pray the Way of the Cross at home, please request a Stations of the Cross bulletin to be mailed to you.
KCC Spring Concert, March 30th @ 6:00pm
Celebrate Spring with the Kenosha Chamber Choir’s first concert of the season.
$15 dollars per person or $50 dollars for a family of 4 or more
Palm Sunday | Passion of Christ, Friday April 13th @ 10:30am
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion marks the beginning of Holy Week and Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem. Volunteers needed to read the passion narrative at the 10:30am service. Please use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church.
Tenebrae, April 16th @ 6:00pm
The Tenebrae service recalls the somber events of Jesus’ last days, beginning with the Last Supper and ending with his burial. During Tenebrae, candles are extinguished one by one as scripture and music tell the story of Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday, April 17th @ 7:00pm
Maundy Thursday is specifically considered the beginning of the Triduum, as it commemorates the Last Supper, which marks the start of the three-day period leading up to Easter Sunday, encompassing Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. A foot washing service is included.
Altar of Repose, April 17th @ 8:00pm – April 18th 12:00pm
An altar of repose vigil is a time of prayer and meditation that takes place overnight from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday. Please use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church to select a time slot. For safety reasons, please sign-up in pairs.
Good Friday Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross April 18th @ 12:00pm
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter when we remember Jesus’ death on the cross.
Easter Vigil [Solemn Mass], April 19th @ 8:00pm
The Easter Vigil recounts the whole story of salvation from Genesis onward, culminating in the first Eucharist of Easter in which the Risen Lord is proclaimed.
Easter Sunday, April 20th @ 9:00am [Combined Service]
Join us at 9:00am for a combined service celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.
Soup Kitchen, April 20th @ 4:30pm
Shalom Center, 4314 39th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53144
Help us continue our partnership with the Shalom Center to feed the hungry! You will work approximately 2 hours on the 3rd Sunday of the month. As this is an ongoing mission, you can work 1 month, or every month, it’s up to you!
Women’s Book Club, April 27th @ 2:00pm
The book chosen is “Peace Like a River” by Leif Enger. Please email Marlene by April 13th, if you plan on attending. Our host provides the beverages and dessert, just bring an appetizer to share. All women of the congregation are welcome to join our happy group, even if you haven’t read or finished the book. Fellowship is what we’re all about and each presence enhances the discussion.
KCC Spring Concert, May 4th @ TBD
Celebrate Spring with the Kenosha Chamber Choir’s second concert of the season.
$15 dollars per person or $50 dollars for a family of 4 or more
Blessing of the Eldergarten, May TBD
Kenosha Kingfish, July 27th @ TBD
Join us on July 27th for our annual family outing to the Kenosha Kingfish baseball game.
More information coming soon.
The Pastoral Care Committee is available to provide personal visits with shut-ins from
St. Matthew’s, as well as phone calls and communion.
Please contact the church office at (262) 654-8642 or any one of the members to let the committee know about someone with a need!
Care kits provide essential items for people experiencing homelessness. Things like toiletries, nutritious food, hand warmers, first aid supplies, and clean socks and clothing can help to improve their quality of life and make their daily struggles a little easier.
We need travel-size: Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Dental Floss, Mouthwash (alcohol-free), Lotion, Chapstick, Waterproof bags and/or backpacks, and non-perishable food like PB or Cheese Cracker Snacks, Beef Jerky, Trail Mix, or other non-perishable food, and bottled water or Gatorade.
If you need a prayer shawl for illness, spiritual need, comfort, celebration, or any other reason please call the office at 262-654-8642 to make arrangements. Prayer shawls and blankets are available in the cabinet at the back of the church.
Sign up to sponsor altar flowers in thanksgiving, celebration, or memory of a loved one. Donations of $50.00 are suggested. Use the flower chart in church, or contact the office.
Please contact the office at 262-654-8642 or email to renew your prayer request,
to submit a new prayer request, or to provide updates.
Come and seek God’s promise at St. Matthew’s Church. The members of St. Matthew’s Church extend an open invitation and warm welcome to everyone to seek and find the love of Jesus Christ. We would love to walk our Christian journey of being disciples of Jesus with you. We believe St. Matthew’s is a place for you to grow and develop in your faith.
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
5900 7th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53140
Phone: (262) 654-8642 Fax: (262) 605-5526
Email: [email protected]
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